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The personal information you provide to the Knowles Immigration Consulting Inc. is secure and is collected for the purpose of assessing your potential for immigration to Canada. 


The personal data you provide to us in the Assessment Form is collected for the purpose of assessing your potential to immigrate to Canada under Canada's current immigration selection criteria. Any personal information submitted to us will not be sold, or otherwise transferred, to a third-party source. Upon submitting your Canada Immigration Eligibility Assessment Form, you can expect to be contacted at the email address you have provided to us within 24 hours from the time of submission. Thereafter, we may send follow-up emails to the same email address regarding your Canadian immigration inquiry, unless you have unsubscribed or requested to no longer receive these emails.


If you choose to submit your resume to us, it will be used to evaluate your eligibility for Canadian immigration or for a resume consultation if requested. Resumes are not shared with any entity.



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